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Wyandotte Caves In Southern Indiana


Summertime in Indiana often brings hot temperatures and high humidity, this can make conditions less than optimal for outdoor hiking and exploring. The good news is, southern Indiana offers several caves and caverns with cool air and challenging terrain for those of us wanting the hike without the heat.

With temperatures reaching near 90° and the sun burning down through clear skies, Beth and I traded in our flip-flops, tank tops, and sunscreen for hiking boots, long-sleeved shirts, and scarfs and headed to Wyandotte Caves in Leavenworth, IN. These caves were originally used by the Native Americans nearly 4000 years ago. Once the caves were found by English settlers it became well known for saltpeter that was used in gunpowder along with Epsom salts. However, in more modern times it is owned by the state of Indiana and tours are now allowed after 8 years of being shut down.

Entering the mouth of the cave doesn’t give you an idea to exactly how vast the caverns are. We hiked 1.5 miles for nearly 3 hours. However, some caverns require a 5 or 8-hour hike. Dropping down into the cave makes you feel like you are entering the Bat Cave with Bruce Wayne himself. However, after just several hundred feet you realize the open cavern soon becomes a narrow pathway.

There are many paths, rooms, and trails through the caves. Some of which require you to get on your stomach and wiggle like a worm to get through, something Beth was happy we never had to do. For the most part, the walls were wide and the paths were easily navigable. However, a few places were a little tight, a little tricky, and not for the vertically gifted.

After over 2 hours of hiking we came to Monument Mountain in Wyandotte Caves. It was truly incredible, we were nearly 400 feet below the surface looking up nearly 200 ft. It looked like the boulder from ‘Indiana Jones Raiders of The Lost Ark’ was going to roll out any second and chase us back through the caves, but that never happened. What did happen was the tour guide turning out all the lights, allowing us to witness true darkness. And what would sitting in a cave in the dark be without a ghost story? So, she proceed to tell us the story of the lost counterfeiter that people claim to witness when sitting in the cave in complete darkness.

After a break and some spooky fun, we hiked up Monument Mountain and back around the loop out of the cave. It was truly a great experience, especially since it was about 34° cooler down there. We learned so many facts from the DNR officer who was a fantastic tour guide. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to keep adventure alive while beating the heat this Summer.

LOCATION: Wyandotte Caves Leavenworth, IN

SERVICE: Cave Tours

PRICE: $18/person



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